Journal Articles

“The Recent Boom in Shanghai Studies,” Journal of the History of Ideas 71.2 (April 2010), 313-33.

“Chart of the Japanese Embassies to the Tang Court,” online at:; and “Chart to the Embassies to the Ming Court,” online at:

Naitō Konan zenshū ni mishūroku no shiryō ni tsuite” 『内藤湖南全集』に未収録の資料について (On documents not included in the Collected Works of Naitō Konan), Higashi Ajia bunka kōshō kenkyū 東アジア文化交渉研究 3 (December 2008), 37-42.

“A Decisive Turning Point in Sino-Japanese Relations: The Senzaimaru Voyage to Shanghai of 1862,” Late Imperial China 29.1 Supplement (June 2008), 104-24.

“The Controversy over Iris Chang’s Rape of Nanking,” Japan Echo 27.1 (February 2000), 55-57; reprinted in An Overview of the Nanjing Debate (Japan Echo, Inc., 2008), 100-7.

Introduction to “Sun Yat-sen’s 1911 Revolution Had Its Seeds in Tokyo,” by Sato Kazuo, Japan Focus, an Asia Pacific e-journal (November 2007), at

“Chimera: A Portrait of Manzhouguo. Harmony and Conflict,” on translating Yamamuro Shin’ichi’s Kimera, at (March 2007).

“Opium and China Revisited: How Sophisticated Was Qing Thinking in Matters of Drug Control?” China Review International 13.1 (2006), 43-51.

“Tackling the Translation of an Invaluable Primary Source That No One Person Would Dare Face Alone,” China Review International 12.1 (Spring 2005), 15-28.

“A Wartime Cinematic Recreation of the Journey Linking China and Japan in the Modern Era,” Journeys: International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing 5.1 (May 2004), 100-18; reprinted in Traditions of East Asian Travel (Berghahn Books, 2006), 125-43.

“Preface: Traditions of East Asian Travel,” Journeys: International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing 5.1 (May 2004), 1-3; revised for Traditions of East Asian Travel (Berghahn Books, 2006).

Dattan shippūroku no honyaku o oete” 『韃靼疾風録』を終えて (Completing a translation of Chronicle of the Tatar Whirlwind), Ryō 遼 12 (Summer 2004), 20-21.

“A Response to Herbert P. Bix, ‘Remembering the Nanking Massacre’,” Japan Focus, at (May 2004).

“Naitō Konan and Naitō’s Historiography: A Reconsideration in the Early Twenty-First Century,” Qinghua xuebao 清華學報 33.2 (December 2003), 439-53.

“Ōba Osamu (1927-2002),” Journal of Asian Studies 62.2 (May 2003), 721-22.

“Naitō Konan 内藤湖南 (1866-1934) and Chinese Historiography,” Historiography East and West 1 (January 2003), 117-31.

“An Important Japanese Source for Chinese Business History,” Chinese Business History 12.2 (Fall 2002), 3, 8.

“Sobieto Roshia to Chūgoku ni okeru Ajia teki seisan yōshiki ronsō” ソビエトロシアと中国におけるアジア的生産様式論叢 (Debates on the Asiatic mode of producton in Soviet Russia and China), Kōbe daigaku shigaku nenpō 神戸大学史学年報 16 (May 2001), 39-57.

“‘Like Kissing Through a Handkerchief’: Traduttore Traditore,” China Review International 8.1 (Spring 2001), 1-15.

“Shimada Kenji (1917-2000),” in Journal of Asian Studies 60.1 (February 2001), 302-3.

“‘Shanghai-Japan’: The Japanese Residents’ Association of Shanghai,” Journal of Asian Studies 59.4 (November 2000), 927-50.

“Airisu Chan no egaku Nankin jiken no gonin to henken” アイリス・チャンの描く南京事件の誤認と偏見 (The misunderstanding and biases of the Nanjing Incident as depicted by Iris Chang), Sekai 世界 667 (November 1999), 252-57.

“Bakumatsu Meiji jidai ni okeru Nihonjin no Chūgoku ryokōki” 幕末明治時代日本人の中国旅行記 (Japanese travelogues of China in the bakumatsu and Meiji eras), Kansai daigaku tōzai gakujutsu kenkyūjo shohō 関西大学東西学術研究所所報 65 (September 1997), 5-6.

“C. Martin Wilbur (1907-1997),” Journal of Asian Studies 56.3 (August 1997), 878.

“Nihon no rikai konjaku” 日本の理解今昔 (Understanding Japan, then and now), Jinbun 人文 43 (1997), 8-10.

“Issues in the Evolution of Modern China in East Asian Comparative Perspective,” The History Teacher 29.4 (August 1996), 425-48; reprinted in China’s Quest for Modernization: Historical Studies on Issues Concerning the Evolution of Modern Chinese Society, ed. Frederic Wakeman, Jr. and Wang Xi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of California, 1997), 352-81.

“Miyazaki Ichisada (1901-1995),” Journal of Asian Studies 55.3 (August 1996), 806-8.

“Studies and Translations of Kawabata Yasunari in Contemporary China,” Sino-Japanese Studies 8.1 (October 1995), 56-63.

“Nationalism, the Rise of the Vernacular, and the Conceptualization of Modernization in East Asian Comparative Perspective,” Language and Politics in Modern China 3 (January 1994), 1-12.

“Recent Translation Theory and Linguistic Borrowing in the Modern Sino-Japanese Cultural Context,” Language and Politics in Modern China 2 (July 1993), 20-31.

“Japanese Literary Travelers in Pre-War China, 1902-1937,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 49.2 (December 1989), 575-602.

“On Japanese Expressions for ‘China’,” Sino-Japanese Studies II.1 (December 1989), 5-16; reprinted in The Journal of Intercultural Studies (Kansai University of Foreign Studies) 17-18 (1990-91), 31-40.

“Chinese and Japanese Studies of Early Sino-Japanese Contacts in the Modern Era,” Sino-Japanese Studies Newsletter I.2 (March 1989), 41-56.

“Japanese Approaches to the Cultural Revolution,” CCP Research Newsletter 2 (Spring 1989), 21-25.

“Mendacity and Veracity in the Recent Chinese Memoir Literature,” CCP Research Newsletter 1 (Fall 1989), 31-34; reprinted in New Perspectives on State Socialism in China, ed. Timothy Cheek and Tony Saich (M. E. Sharpe, 1997), 354-58.

“The Asiatic Mode of Production Debates in Soviet Russia, China, and Japan,” American Historical Review 93.1 (February 1988), 56-79.

“Esther Kreitman and Her Sketch, ‘A New World,’” The Yale Review 73 (Summer 1984), 525-32; partially reprinted in The Book Peddler 5 (Winter 1985), 21.

“A New Direction in Japanese Sinology,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 44.1 (June 1984), 225-47.

“A New Direction in Japanese Sinology,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 44.1 (June 1984), 225-47.

“Yehoash’s Tribute to the Japanese,” Stone Lion Review 12 (June 1984), 50-54.

“Seiyō ni okeru Naitō Konan no ichi” 西洋における内藤湖南の位置 (Naitō Konan’s position in the West), Konan 湖南 4 (November 1983), 21-23.

“Nakae Ushikichi: The Lonely Vision of a Japanese Expatriate in China,” Illinois Papers in Asian Studies (Autumn 1983), 5-13.

“To Reform China: Naitō Konan’s Formative Years in the Meiji Press,” Modern Asian Studies 16.3 (July 1982), 353-95.

“Naitō Konan to Miyake Setsurei” 内藤湖南と三宅雪嶺 (Naitō Konan and Miyake Setsurei), Shoron 書論 (1982), 193-98.

“The Historical Fiction of Chin Shunshin,” China Republican Studies Newsletter (February 1981), 17-19.

“Japan: Recent Research,” Trends in History I.2 (March 1980), 131-46.

“Naitō Konan kenkyū bunken mokuroku hoi” 内藤湖南研究文献目録補遺 (Addenda to the list of studies on Naitō Konan) and “Naitō Konan zenshū hoi” 内藤湖南全集補遺 (Addenda to the collected works of Naitō Konan), Shoron 書論 14 (Spring 1979), 127-33, 149.

“Prewar Japanese Studies of Republican China,” Chinese Republican Studies Newsletter IV.2 (February 1979), 13-20.

“Race and Class in Chinese Historiography: Divergent Interpretations of Zhang Binglin and the 1911 Revolution,” Modern China 3.3 (July 1977), 346-75.